Head Teacher's Welcome

Thank you for visiting our school website.  Please get in touch if you would like further information or wish to pop in to visit our school.  You will be very welcome.

In our community, children are central; everything is built around the child. We recognise that children are individuals and each child has so much to learn and so much to teach.  At Strathesk we recognise that ‘one size fits one’ and we learn and teach on this basis, so that our children can become confident individuals, effective contributors, successful learners and responsible citizens.

We are a school community working together in partnership to get it right for every child in our community. We are a school community where inclusion and equity are of utmost importance and are the foundations for us.  We value effort, as well as success, and aim to encourage all children to fulfil and exceed expectations.  We have a supportive, happy staff team with a great sense of fun which in turn, makes learning enjoyable for our children.


At Strathesk we promote positive discipline and reward positive choices.  We are developing a language of learning which supports our nurturing approach. At the heart of nurture is a focus on wellbeing and relationships and a drive to support the growth and development of children and young people.


Michelangelo once said, ‘The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.’  At Strathesk we believe that every child can achieve anything they put their mind to and we strive to help each child realise this. Our expectations are extremely high for our children because we know they can do it if they try!

Pauline Marr

Head Teacher

The Strathesk Way