Welcome to our family support page.


At Strathesk Primary School we are not only committed to supporting our children but supporting our families and the local community as well.

Our Home School Practitioner, Hellen Gray, is available to support you with any issues you may have.   We know that support can vary from family to family and we would be happy to work with you to understand your situation and create a personalised plan of support that is right for you at any given time.

Some of the issues supported by our Home School Practitioner include,

If you think Hellen could be of support to you or your family please contact her via the school office or by email at H.gray@midlothian.education to arrange a home visit or a meeting in school.

We work closely with partner agencies who aid us with supporting our families. Please feel free to contact these agencies via the links below if you require their help.


Midlothian Young Carers - Resources - Carers Trust


Ladywood Leisure Centre – "run by the community, for the community"

Penicuik Citizens Advice Bureau | Citizens Advice Scotland (cas.org.uk)

Home (foodfactsfriends.org.uk)


Do you or your partner get Scottish Child Payment | Help Supporting Your Family (socialsecurity.gov.scot)

Home - Sleep Action

Home | Play Midlothian